
Friday, November 19, 2010

Sick Day

Well the winter season is upon us and nothing says winter like a good old taste of the flu. The Morgan household is a swimming pea tree dish of infection this week. Despite getting vaccinated, we are all under the weather this week. I am so grateful for a husband that will help clean up puke in the middle of the night with me. So romantic :) Just happy that it will be over with before Turkey day!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


"Holy shit Mom, look at those crayons!"

Everyone knows that I have a mouth on me. But it became very apparent the other day while shopping at Target that it is time for me to begin watching what I say around the child...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Vacation Getaway

Finally, we were able to get some time off work and go to St. George to visit with Ryan's parents for a week. It was so relaxing. Swimming in the pool, running, shopping & playing golf :) Thank you Mom & Dad for letting us crash for a much needed break!

Friday, August 13, 2010

New Update

It has been a while from the last update. Life has been busy to say the least. Full of governing board reports, monthly operating reports & weekly projections. Yes this is the life of a hospital administrator. I am tired. Very tired. This has been a month from hell. To top it off, Ryan is just as busy. We are strangers as of late. Attempting to have a conversation once a day in between conference calls. When people ask us if we are having more kids, I laugh. We barley have enough time for one! I know that there are plenty of you out there that have 4 + kids and seem to handle it just fine. But I openly admit that I am not one of these women. I truly think we are OK with one. Yes one. I am looking forward to a wonderful weekend with my hubby and baby girl. It is so needed.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6 years and counting...

We celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary last week. Due to our busy schedules, we decided to combine Ry's 33rd birthday and our anniversary all in one weekend. We began the evening with sushi :) Then we did a little bowling, which I sucked at by the way. Then we went and saw Prince of Persia. The next day we had a date day at Lagoon. Neither of us have been there for over 10 years! We had a blast!! Thank you to Dantzel for taking Madi while we played! Ryan, I love you with all that I am. Thank you for always being supportive and for being such a wonderful father to our beautiful daughter. I love you!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Birthday 2 you!

Little bug turned two yesterday! I can't belive how fast she has grown! Inspired by her love of The Little Mermaid, we had an Under the Sea theame. It was a lot of work and yes, I went a little overboard as always. But I just can't resist spoiling her :) I just LOVED how her cake turned out! Gotta love Granite Bakery! Family :)
Uncle Issac & Aunt Jess
Birthday girl!
Uncle Olie & Aunt Monica made this for Madi! She LOVES it!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Au revoir Lost

We have followed the TV show Lost religiously from the day it aired. In fact, seeing how we are not a religious family, I guess Lost really has been the closest thing to anything Divine that we do follow... The last episode aired on Sunday. Thanks to Mom & Dad for an AWESOME party by the way :) Lost was so good in so many ways. Ultimately, I believe I loved the idea of a group of strangers being brought together in possibly the most stressful trying times in their lives. Each one of them had their own set of issues. Some worse than others. But in the end, they all found what it was they were looking for. Now I will be looking for another show to watch but I dare say, I will have an issue of my own finding anything that will compare. Farewell Lost and, Namaste :)


Friday, May 14, 2010

RIP Blackberry

For those of you who are not aware of my small Blackberry habit, I must tell you that I am slightly addicted to the damn thing. The crackberry runs my life. It tells me what meetings I have on a daily basis. (And I have A LOT!) When to wake up, Pediatrician appointments, my bank account information and the ever important daily celebrity update :) Tragically, my blackberry died yesterday. In the middle of the hospital cafeteria, I proceeded to spill a cup of Diet Mountain Dew all over it:( Oh, and a little fry sauce... It was not that long ago that I survived without a cell phone. I remember waiting in line at the pay phone after the high school dance to tell Mom & Dad you were on your way home. In a way, life was a lot simpler without one really.... My darling hubby just picked up the new adopted, Mountain Dew free Blackberry and is on it's way home. Despite the fact that I know now that this machine runs my life, I am addicted. My name is Cora, and I am a Blackberry aholic.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Book of the week

I just finished this book this weekend. It was a GREAT read! It is full of suspense, murder and mystery. I highly recommend it. It is the first of a series of three. I started the second book today. And the third will be out in May. If you get a chance, give this one a try. You will not regret it :)


Saturday, May 1, 2010


Before I begin this story, let me tell you that I know that what I am about to share is completely absurd but, this is why I have to share it with all of you...
There had been a scratching sound coming from our laundry room for a few days. I knew that it was coming from the dryer vent. At first, I thought it was a mouse. Ryan however noticed a bird flying into the vent a few days ago. A smart little bird had began to build a nest in our dryer vent. I lovingly informed Ryan that It was his job to move the dryer, which he did. I am surprised the the dryer was working at all due to all of the grass and twigs that were stuffed in the vent along with four baby bird eggs. I decided to head to the store to pick up a vent tube. Ryan, decided to go golfing and forgot to push the dryer back.
Upon my return, I put Madi down for a nap and began to clean up the house. "Is that bird shit on my coffee table?" I asked myself. At that very moment, a heard a faint rustling of feathers. My ass has not run up a flight of stairs so fast in my life! Yes my friends apparently I have a fear of birds. I honestly had no idea until I was in a full blown panic attack locked in our bedroom. I was hyperventilating and broke out into hives all over my body. I called my husband. A stream of obscenities that I did not even know was possible came flying out of me as I informed him of the terror I was experiencing. He questioned "Do you think it is going to peck you to death? Go open the door and get the damn bird out of he house!" After he talked me down it took me another 30 minutes to get the courage to open the door. I looked down the stairs and there it was, a robin, staring back at me!
That little conversation sent me screaming back into the bedroom for yet another slight panic. Finally, I managed to open the door again and saw the little thing fly into the laundry room. I ran down the hall closed the door. I had trapped it! You can't believe how proud I was. After a bit of relief, I then remembered that it would be hours before Ryan would return. I was on my own. So, once Madi was awake, we hightailed it out of there.
We spent the remainder of the day at the park. Finally, my virulent husband returned to rescue me from the beast. It only took him a second to catch the now exhausted bird and let it free outside. He then also informed me that there was not one, but two birds in the laundry room. Ugh. That was about all I could take. I went to bed.
I dreamed of birds all night long. I woke my hubby up a few times throughout the night telling him that "I can hear them, there in the house again! They know I killed it's babies!" He rolled over.
In the morning I had finally come to my senses and had gotten over the whole event. Just as I began to walk down stairs, what do I see but the damn bird, flapping hysterically and pecking at the window.
"It's come back for me!!" I screamed as I called Ryan and 7:00 in the morning.
I believe that my husband now thinks that I am a bit crazy and quite frankly, so do I. But at least the event made a great story to tell the guys on the golf course and all of you!


Sunday, February 7, 2010


The Morgan household is officially in full overwhelmingly busy mode as of late. Ryan has been working 18-20 hr days, no joke. Ahh, inventory season. I can't wait until I have my husband back. Patience is my new focus.
Madi is in daycare again and is finally acclimated. She still cries and goes hysterical every time I drop her off. She's kind of been in this Mama attachment mode lately. I still cry every time I drop her off. They swear to me that she only cries for 30 seconds but, I still feel like the world's worst mother sometimes. But, I have to work so, she'll just have to get over it I guess.
As far as the dieting and working out goes, I am down 5 pounds. This weight loss has nothing to do with P90 and everything to do with a flu and a cold from hell. But hey, I'm one flu away from my goal weight :)