Madi was so small when we brought her home. She has a room FULL of all of some of the cutest outfits and she still does not fit into any of them. Grandma Lou went and got some premi clothes for her while in the hospital and she officially fit into one of them today!! So cute....
How fun! She looks so cute! She is changing so fast! I can't believe it. Looks like she is getting lots of Momma's good milk! I have to come see her!
So I was looking at blogs, much like I do every day and I came across Danzel's blog and to my surprise my old friend Cora is blogging too! It has been SO LONG since I have seen or talked to you so I hope that you don't mind me commenting on your blog. Your little girl is SO CUTE! I can't believe how little she is. I am expecting twin boys in September! Holy smokes- it's going to be an adventure. Please feel free to check out my blog tryingtokit.blogspot.com
I'm so excited I found you blogging! XOXO Erica Judd Karren
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