Saturday, October 13, 2012
Top 10 New Mommy Moments I Forgot About...
I know this is my second time with this motherhood thing and you would think that I would have remembered some of the hilarity that insures with having a new born. But, alas I had forgot most. So, I thought I might write a few down...
1. There will come a time when it may be entirely possible that you may forget to cover your boob post feeding and be walking around the house with your big old booby hangin' out!
2. The simple act of taking a shower will fill you with the same elation of winning a gold medal. This is how a gauge my day. If I bathed, my day was a success!
3. Newborn babies are psychopath magnets. This will occur in they most random of places and they will ALWAYS insist in touching your child! No, random person at Walmart, you may not hold my baby. You smell, (worse than me), I am pretty sure you are on some form of narcotic and I know you have not been vaccinated! Stay the hell away from me and my baby!
4. You will fall asleep in positions you never thought were possible! My husband walked in on me the other night sitting cross-legged, in the middle of our bed, chin to chest, asleep breastfeeding our baby. My neck hurts all the time now.
5. Hand mirrors are not your friend. Checking out the status of "down there" is NOT a good idea. I now call my vagina Frankinvagina.
6. Sex before 6 weeks post delivery is not a good idea. Enough said.
7. Ever wondered what it would feel like to be an amputee? Now you know. Everything you do will now be done one handed. You will also become ambidextrous!
8. While eating, you may accidentally drop some food on your baby that is in your arms. I do not eat hot food at the moment for this reason.
9. You may wind up with one breast as DD & the other as a B is you forget to switch sides.
10. There will come a moment when your baby will recognize your face and voice & smile and it will erase all memory of items 1-9.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Harper Is Here!!
Harper Rae Morgan was born on Friday, September 7th @ 4:20 PM. She weighed 7lb. 1oz. and 18" long. I was induced on Friday morning, a little later than planed due to a busy night in L&D. Finally got the pitocin started at about 10. Labor went well, got an epidural and all was fine. Was ready to push around 4:00, pushed for 20 minutes and she was there. Perfect labor, right up until it was time to deliver the placenta. I don't even recall delivering the placenta with Madi. I think with an epidural and the euphoric state after the baby arrives, it's kind of an afterthought. After about five minutes, I noticed the look on the Dr's face and knew that something was wrong. He was about shoulder deep (not an exaggeration) into me trying to pry the placenta out. I asked him what was going on. He replied "you don't want to know". For those of you who know me, you know that I am a tell it like it is person. I responded that I did want to know and he better be honest with me. Then, he lowered the boom...
"Your placenta has grown into your uterus. You have two choices, you can bleed to death or you can have a hysterectomy."
Shit. We were done having children but who the hell wants a hysterectomy at 30? I began to understand the seriousness of the situation when they started yelling for blood and to get the OR prepped.
Everything happened very fast after that. All I could do was look at my husband, who had the fear of God on his face, holding our newly born daughter, and tell him to take care of our babies. I realized that there was a very real possibility that I may not see them again and tears began to flow as a team began to sprint me down the hallway for surgery.
I had a full team waiting for me, 4 doctors, two anesthesiologists, two techs and my nurse from L&D who would not leave my side.
I was in surgery for only about 30 minutes. Thank God, they were able to scrape the placenta out of the uterus and did not have to do a hysterectomy. Recovery was hard but I felt back to normal by about day 3.
Baby Harper is an amazing addition to our family. I love seeing her with Madi. She is so in love with her little sister and has been an amazing little assistant. I'm so excited for this new phase of our family and look forward to many more wonderful memories.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Week 17
Spring Break
Just returned for our latest tip to Mexico. I slightly different trip compared to the others considering the whole pregnancy thing. I only managed to vomit a few times :) Highlights of the trip, the view (8th floor ocean view), hibiscus water, & dinner @ Tromonto! Low points include the earthquake & having my i pod stolen. We had a great time with great friends. Enjoyed our last time there for quite some time. We know it will be w while before we can get back after the baby.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Tickled Pink

Looks like poor Ryan will have a house full of women for the rest of his life. Found out yesterday that we are having another girl! Madi is super excited. I thought she would react poorly, seeing how she was set on the fact that it was a boy. She had a huge smile on her face when I told her and has not stopped talking about her sister sense. We also have a name.... Harper Rae Morgan. I dreamed of her in Mexico before I knew I was pregnant. I just knew that had to be the name! So excited for this new phase of our family and life!
Cora Kae
Friday, March 9, 2012
Sweet Dreams
Madi came in our room this morning as I was getting ready for work as normal. However, this morning she had a huge smile on her face.
"Mom, I had a good dream last night"
"You did, what was is about"?
"I dreamed of Thomas"
"Oh, like the train"?
"No Mom, like my brother"
That one through me for a loop. Perhaps she knows something we don't... Boy?
"Mom, I had a good dream last night"
"You did, what was is about"?
"I dreamed of Thomas"
"Oh, like the train"?
"No Mom, like my brother"
That one through me for a loop. Perhaps she knows something we don't... Boy?
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Being Positive....
It always seems that just as I seem to think things are all planed out for me, life throws me for a loop....

After a fun filled vacation to Mexico, we discovered that we were pregnant again. Surprise!! We thought we were done with one but, I guess not!
Of course, the puking began about the second I peed on the stick. It still continues at 14 weeks. Ugh.. It is different than with Madi. I used to puke all day, work, and come home and sleep. Now I am just missing out on the whole sleep thing. Ryan & Madi have both been great about all of it and are very excited. God help us if little one is not a boy. Madi just won't hear otherwise.
Due date is Sept. 13th. I'll keep you posted on our new adventure.
Cora Kae

After a fun filled vacation to Mexico, we discovered that we were pregnant again. Surprise!! We thought we were done with one but, I guess not!
Of course, the puking began about the second I peed on the stick. It still continues at 14 weeks. Ugh.. It is different than with Madi. I used to puke all day, work, and come home and sleep. Now I am just missing out on the whole sleep thing. Ryan & Madi have both been great about all of it and are very excited. God help us if little one is not a boy. Madi just won't hear otherwise.
Due date is Sept. 13th. I'll keep you posted on our new adventure.
Cora Kae
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